
Archive for April, 2013

Character Sneak Peek: Frog

April 29th, 2013 No comments

So you thought the only “life” form on the Island of Periclave was the undead garrison of the Rat King? Think again… :)

The island is located in the middle of the great Lake Vaelias and the frogs have lived there for a very long time, despising the wars of the Hairy Ones with all their disgusting ears and tails.

When the rats built their citadel the frogs were driven back to their underwater caves and temple. But now… Now something has happened on the island.

… But, well, all this won’t matter if the campaign for “Ghost of a Tale” doesn’t reach its goal of course.

Categories: "Ghost of a Tale", campaign, Unity, update Tags:

Character Sneak Peek: Undead Rat

April 22nd, 2013 1 comment

Here’s a better look at one of the undead rats. This is one of the more heavily armored ones. They’re not very fast, but when they do hit you they can kill you with one blow. Compared to your small mousy self they are towering giants.

(Incidentally, this is the pose used for the figurine available on the campaign page)

Categories: "Ghost of a Tale", Unity, update Tags:

Character Sneak Peek: Mouse

April 21st, 2013 No comments

The crowdfunding campaign is still going on HERE and with 23 days to go the campaign is only at about a third of the budget. So if you would like to give “Ghost of a Tale” a chance to exist, please go to this page and see if you can help…

Here’s just a quick little turntable video to get a better view of the main character:

Categories: "Ghost of a Tale", Unity, update Tags:

Steam Greenlight

April 9th, 2013 1 comment

Hi guys. “Ghost of a Tale” (or GoaT for short) now has a Greenlight page in the Concepts section of Valve’s Steam. You can go there and express your interest if you’d like to. Steam seems like a nice venue to distribute the game when it’s done. Although it won’t be the only one (and Steam does not require exclusivity).


Categories: "Ghost of a Tale", campaign, update Tags:

Ghost of a Tale – Facebook Cover Picture

April 7th, 2013 2 comments

Per request, here’s a full-size Facebook cover picture (851*315 pixels) that you can use to spread the word about “Ghost of a Tale”! :)


Categories: "Ghost of a Tale", campaign, update Tags:

Ghost of a Tale Forum Banners

April 6th, 2013 2 comments

Hi guys! Here are some banners you can proudly fly in the forums of your choosing in order to spread awareness about the campaign: 😀


600 * 120





600 * 90


468 * 60


And here they are as a Zip file: GhostOfATale_banners.

Categories: "Ghost of a Tale", campaign, update Tags:

Indiegogo is back up!

April 3rd, 2013 4 comments

Yay! We’re back in business. Thank you Indiegogo peeps! People can now pledge again on the campaign’s page at

Categories: "Ghost of a Tale", campaign, update Tags: