
Archive for April, 2008

Rigging is under way!

April 7th, 2008 No comments

Since I didn’t post any movie-related news for quite a while, I just wanted to say I’m working right now on the rigging of the characters. Then I’ll move on to surfacing. I know I’m repeating myself but it’s a huge amount of work!

I won’t be posting many pictures, since I want to keep a lot of things under wrap still. It’s a bit silly not to be able to show the better parts of one’s own work, but I believe the impact of the discovery will be greater that way.

So I’m just posting an older picture which is one of those quick-and-dirty tests you do so many times during the course of a production. In this case I was just testing the rig when I “took the picture”. But that’ll have to do for now… 😀

Categories: production, update Tags:

First “official” release of MayaCGF

April 7th, 2008 No comments

I just released something I’ve been working on for a couple of weeks; it’s called MayaCGF and it’s a Maya tool to import models from the game Crysis into Maya. It also lets you export your models into the game of course! You can find all the instructions here.

While importing some game models for testing purpose, I’ve been shocked by the amount of details put into the human faces. I mean those could almost be used for feature with just a smooth level added. Congrats to the Crytek artists!

Oh and I almost forgot; it looks like “Seith’s Little Island” was published on a German magazine’s DVD called “PC ACTION” during the month of March. I don’t know the details, but still, that’s nice! :)

Categories: crysis, misc, update Tags: