Please note: I don’t have access to a Mac, so it’s impossible for me to see how well (or badly) my scripts run over OSX. Sorry!
If you run into bugs and would like me to fix them, please provide me with detailed information (exact error messages and their line numbers). Thanks!
To download a script, right-click on the link and choose “Save Link As”. To install a script follow these instructions:
- Put the script in a directory on your disk drive. e.g.: “c:\my_maya_scripts“.
- Use a “source” statement in Maya’s Script Editor’s MEL tab. Notice the “/” is used instead of “\“. Then call the procedure’s name (usually with the same name as the script, minus the “_numbers” at the end). So for “theScriptName_012a.mel” you would type:
source "c:/my_maya_scripts/theScriptName_012a.mel";
Those scripts are probably better used as hotkeys (or shelf buttons).
- isolateSelected: Toggle isolate-selected on/off in the current view port.
- showOutliner: Calls the Outliner window.
- tempUntempSelected: Toggle template/untemplate in the current view port.
- toggleWireFrameOnShaded: Toggle wireframe-on-shaded on/off in the current view port.
- toggleXray.mel: Toggle Xray-mode on/off in the current view port.
- poseLib: Save and apply poses on your character (as a whole, or only to the selected controls).
- retimingTool: Allows you to easily retime your keys by clicking on the timeline and punching-in numbers, and also to quickly add breakdowns favoring one key or the other, and much, much more…
- poseTest: Load and save xSheets and do a key pose-test.
- polySmooth: Sculpt low-rez polygonal objects while the hi-rez copy updates in real time. (This is an old script, you’re better off using the excellent CPS Tools.)
- matchPivot: Match pivot position and/or orientation between two objects.
- moveToSelected: Move the second selected object to the first (without constraining them).
- putIconOnJoint: Put a nurbs curve in a joint’s shape node, so that selecting the nurbs curve is the same as selecting the joint.
- renamingTool: Rename quickly entire hierarchies (e.g. from “left_” to “right_”).
- repositionJoint: Translate any joint in a chain without worrying about messing up its orientation.
- weightTools: Save and load smooth skin weights (heavily based on a script © by Big Idea Productions).
- zeroJointTans: Zero-out joint translation by inserting a null node above it.
- shotCam: My camera rig and its GUI.
- MD5toMaya: Import Doom 3 models into Maya!
- applyCrysisShader: This is a script that allows you to import Crysis shaders into Maya. (See this page for the instructions)
- CryExportUserInterface: This is a modified version of Crytek’s original Far Cry script, tweaked to work with Crysis. It adds the creation of the model’s corresponding .mtl file. (See this page for the instructions)
- crysisCleanupObj: When you export a brush from the Sandbox2 editor the scale, pivot, orientation and UVs are all wrong. This procedure fixes all those problems automatically.
weightTools link is broken
That’s fixed now.
I’m working on my MFA thesis film and I just wanted to drop you a note and tell you how amazing your poseLib script is. Thanks
MD5toMaya link is broken
Beeza: That’s now fixed.
Thank you
You’ve done some great works thanks for the tutorial and the mels for the reference. thanking again for the same.
Rogue Maverick.
can not download applyCrysisShader.mel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
great tutorial
but for two days now the link for
is broken got a “oups page”
and without this i just have a yellow ball on crysis
thx you if you can update it
great job anyway
Whoops, that’s fixed now. You should be able to download both scripts again…
Yes thx you
you rules
hope that will work now
by the way the instructions page show nothing but i also try with this
and don’t really know if it”s up to date
keep you on back up
Hey man!
you’ve done a really good job with poseLib… it’s super flexible.Thanks so much!
Please help
The export problems.
Sorry? all ok.
Zero tick – base pose! Yooohhhoo, all work.)