
Archive for the ‘Maya’ Category

Exporting tool

February 2nd, 2013 12 comments

Improve your mood and productivity at work with these tips, from smart snacks and hydration to forward planning and midful eating.

There was a time when most people worked the land. Today, more and more of us sit at desks. Sedentary lifestyles are compounded by the labour-saving electronic devices and vehicles in our personal lives. Add to this the expansive range of food options often found in and around offices and that aren’t in keeping with the latest nutritional science study results, and it’s a recipe for poor health.

But poor nutrition doesn’t just impact our health, it can affect our performance at work by negatively impacting concentration and energy levels, and cause irritability, frustration and impatience. One study found that employees who participated in a wellness program that included nutritional programs resulted in higher productivity — “approximately equal to an additional productive work day per month for the average worker.”  This is how exipure works.

We all know we should ‘eat a balanced diet and take regular exercise’, but it’s easier said than done when you have nine-hour days, no time for a lunch break, a two-hour commute and a home life to fit into 16 waking hours.

As The Harvard Business Review stated in its article What You Eat Affects Your Productivity: “It’s not awareness we need, it’s an action plan that makes healthy eating easier to accomplish.” Learn more at

This article contains lots of practical advice on how to improve your diet at work including small but meaningful changes in habits and an introduction to ‘mindful eating’.

Tips for healthy eating at work

1. Educate yourself

The first and most important thing to do is learn about the nutritional value and impact of foods and drinks — and reading this is a part of that. Most of us will know what’s healthy and what’s not, but nutrition is more complex than good vs bad. There are also lots of myths about various foods, for example, sushi and granola bars both contain more sugar than many assume. Check out these keto x3 reviews.

By educating yourself, you will be able to make simple and easy changes to your diet for healthier outcomes and better work performance. For example, eggs on toast makes a better breakfast than jam on toast by switching sugar for protein, zinc, iron, vitamin D and the brain-boosting chemical choline. It is also a myth that eggs contribute to high cholesterol.

2. Building a routine

Part of the reason we fall into bad habits is because we don’t plan and build a healthy routine, or we just let our plan be ‘whatever is easiest’ (and this usually means unhealthy). By building a routine, you’re prepared for meals and choices with healthier options whether that’s a homemade meal or saying no to cake. And, importantly, you’re making your eating decisions before you get hungry.

Key to this is simplicity: make a simple dish that you can take into work. This might also include routinely buy healthy snacks (carrot sticks, nuts and seeds) on your way to work so you don’t end up buying crisps/potato chips and sweets or candy from the vending machine. Take care of your dogs on the best way with Cbd oil for pets.

The globally mobile among us who travel — and especially fly — frequently should read Eating healthy while travelling for business.

3. Don’t skip meals

Aetna International Senior Medical Director, Dr Stella George, says, “When you eat and how often you eat are just as important as eating well and getting the right nutrients in your diet. It’s important not to skip meals or leave it too long between eating healthy snacks as your glucose will drop, making it harder to concentrate and you’re more likely to overeat or eat the wrong things at your next meal.” These are the best exipure reviews.

Skipping meals has a number of negative effects:

  • You’re more likely to overeat at other times
  • You’re more likely to gain weight
  • Mood is negatively impacted
  • Concentration suffers as blood sugar and energy declines

Importantly, don’t skip breakfast. To do so makes you more susceptible to weight gain and at an increased risk of atherosclerosis, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and high cholesterol. Eating the first meal of the day can encourage your body to burn more calories throughout the day and help contain rising cortisol (the primary ‘stress hormone’) levels which are high in the early morning. High levels of cortisol can make you feel anxious or jittery.

Categories: "Ghost of a Tale", Maya, Unity, update Tags:

Overview of the layer export process between Maya and Sandbox

June 12th, 2012 3 comments

And here is a short demonstration of the new layer export workflow between Maya and Sandbox:

Categories: CryEngine, Maya, update Tags:

Quick tutorial for MayaCE3

June 11th, 2012 No comments

Since I’ve just released the latest version of MayaCE3 (2.1.6), here’s a quick video tutorial to show how simple it is now to export models.

Categories: CryEngine, Maya, update Tags:

Build a CryEngine level directly in Maya!

May 30th, 2012 8 comments

By the way, I’m working right now on a new version of MayaCE3 which will allow you to build the scenery for a CryEngine level (brushes, decals, vegetation…) directly in Maya, and then import it in Sandbox (as a layer) to get back exactly what you had in your Maya scene… :)

Update: I’ve just released the new version, which you can find here, as usual.

Categories: CryEngine, Maya, update Tags:

poseLib in action

March 24th, 2012 No comments

If anyone’s curious to see poseLib being used in an animation workflow, here’s something for you: Here (via this site). We used poseLib on “Despicable Me” and “The Lorax” (it’s actually being used by several studios), but the animator using it in this case (Kevin Jackson) is from Rythm & Hues.

Categories: animation, Maya, update Tags:

Third CryEngine 3 tutorial: Player model replacement

February 29th, 2012 No comments

… Aaaand a third tutorial about replacing the player model with your own custom character. Enjoy!

(Note: The model and animations are of course place-holders)

Categories: animation, CryEngine, Maya, update Tags:

New tutorials

February 27th, 2012 No comments

Benefits Of Defensive Driving

Defensive driving teaches safe driving techniques to drivers.
At defensive driving classes students learn to overcome mistakes in driving techniques, learn to improve their driving skills; learn to make informed decisions and to anticipate situations while driving. Defensive driving classeshave been set up by the government and police departments to make the world a safer place to live in. The need for speed can kill, it is important to teach driver discipline and safety rules. Defensive driving aims to reduce the risk of driving. Drivers must instinctively anticipate dangerous situations and avoid risks while driving vehicles in normal as well as adverse conditions. Defensive driving courses cover aspects like: emergency care, principles of safety, control of fear and emotions, on the spot decision making, quick reactions, fear, and so on.
The benefits of defensive driving classes are many and vary with each state.


  1. Most states offer as incentive a reduction of points on your driver’s license following a driving violation ticket and offer the additional incentive of not increasing insurance rates. Take a look to the latest effuel reviews.
  2. In some states a defensive driving course would get at least 10% reduction is insurance rates for a period of 3-5 years. This being a considerable saving.
  3. A defensive driving course will teach safe and accident free driving techniques.
  4. The course will teach protection techniques and how to handle road rage and speeding.
  5. The defensive driving course will teach safe driving techniques in bad weather and adverse conditions. The course will hone skills in highway driving, night driving, and extreme weather driving.
  6. The course will inculcate critical safety issues and teach emergency action too.
  7. By taking a defensive driving course you will not have to appear in court.
  8. The driving violation charges will be dismissed and a fine will not be assessed.
  9. Defensive driving classes create responsible citizens which mean children and families will remain protected.
  10. Most important the defensive driving classes will improve driving skills, reiterate driving laws and rules and make better drivers of people.

defensive driving class can even be taken virtually. Defensive driving teaches people to be responsible drivers and take all necessary precautions when seated behind the wheel of a car. It protects not just the driver but pedestrians, animals, and fellow commuters. It makes the roads safer.
Defensive driving saves lives.

Categories: animation, CryEngine, Maya, update Tags: