September 25th, 2010
I worked a bit on an old model’s head to simplify the topology (although it’s by no means optimized yet). I also tried to find a better skin tone directly within Sandbox2. The difficult part is to get something that will hold up well enough under very different lighting conditions. During the process it became obvious that I’ll have to rework the texture maps at some point, but it’ll have to do for now…

September 18th, 2010
I know there are already several renaming scripts for Maya out there, but each time I tried one out I found its interface (or overall method) to be unintuitive at best. I just hated having to stop and think twice about how to get what I needed, so I made this tool. It’s written in Python and it’s very simple to use!

September 18th, 2010
I’ve just uploaded a new tutorial about building a tree for the Cryengine2. It talks about the method I follow to model a tree in Maya and then export it into Crysis. All this using of course MayaCGF! 😀