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Astroboy (Part 1)

January 24th, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

While digging on my hard drive I found an early development test for “Astroboy” (done quickly, mostly to try the arm rig). Now this particular test was done in pre-production and I haven’t seen the movie yet, but the model has obviously evolved; the proportions ended-up less child-like. Also, the hands don’t seem as huge anymore.  I’ll try to post another test later on. By the way, the animation on the movie was directed by a friend of mine, Jakob Jensen. Anyway, enjoy!

Categories: animation, misc, update Tags:
  1. Lisa
    April 19th, 2010 at 17:06 | #1

    Wow that was amazing, you don’t know how happy you’ve made me to see this!

    Seeing work on the prototype Astro is fasinating. The animation for the jack in the box cracked me up full time, too bad it never got included in the movie.

    I hope you get around to posting up more because I’d love to see them! Though I like the final Astro model with its human appearance it’s still ashame this one never got used, it reminds me of the 2003 anime version of Astro Boy. Imagi should use it for a tv show!

  2. Nancy
    April 22nd, 2010 at 00:07 | #2

    That is SO COOL — it’s amazing how much expression, and how lifelike the movements are! I laughed out loud when he got startled and blew it away! Guess if you’re gonna be Astro Boy’s friend, you better not through him any SURPRISE parties!! :-)

    Would love to see more — I’m fascinated with how this type of animation is created! Thanks for posting it.

  3. June 4th, 2010 at 15:27 | #3

    Hey it looks great.

    I wished they stuck a little closer to the original story and didn’t kiddie it up so much…
    but then again… I feel like Astro Boy just doesn’t translate well in today’s generation.
    I noticed you maintained his hair spikes to face towards the camera, was that scripted or animated by hand?


  4. Seith
    June 6th, 2010 at 17:32 | #4

    Thanks for your feedback, guys.

    And Jeff, I agree that the movie’s story did not live up to its potential, to say the least. To answer your question, the spikes were actually hand-animated to slide quickly one way or the other; low-tech, I know, but this was pre-prod stuff… :)

  5. Conan94
    June 7th, 2010 at 00:43 | #5

    I have a question for you, Seith: what do you mean when you say that Astro Boy’s propotions ended up less child-like?

  6. Conan94
    June 20th, 2010 at 20:32 | #6

    I would also like to express my disagreement with Jeff on the comment about the storyline of the Astro Boy movie not following the original T.V. series storyline; although the storyline of the movie is slightly different from the original, the general story and morals are, in my opinion, mostly the same.

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