Home > "Ghost of a Tale", CryEngine > … Aaaand a couple more

… Aaaand a couple more

Alright, I’ll stop after this batch. The first picture features in the distance the Tower of Periclave, which you’ll hopefully reach at some point in your adventures. It is said to be haunted… The second one shows the very beginning of the game.


Categories: "Ghost of a Tale", CryEngine Tags:
  1. August 23rd, 2012 at 21:37 | #1

    Beautiful! I am so intrigued about this!! Cant wait too see more :)

  2. Sherrie
    September 18th, 2012 at 16:18 | #2

    I am interested in this – love the idea of a mouse with a mandolin..

  3. yung23
    October 5th, 2013 at 19:14 | #3

    Hey Seith, I need to redownload your Mayacgf tool for use with Cryengine1.. do you have the earlier versions hosted somewhere online so I might be able to grab them ? I know I had success using version Beta 0.5. with Maya 2012.. I just downloaded the final version but I’d like to also have access to 0.5..

  4. Seith
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