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Skin shader test

September 25th, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

I worked a bit on an old model’s head to simplify the topology (although it’s by no means optimized yet). I also tried to find a better skin tone directly within Sandbox2. The difficult part is to get something that will hold up well enough under very different lighting conditions. During the process it became obvious that I’ll have to rework the texture maps at some point, but it’ll have to do for now…

Categories: crysis, Maya, update Tags:
  1. peter
    October 22nd, 2010 at 11:19 | #1

    hey seith,
    i have a problem with the exporter for cryengine 2.
    if i export my model its “blue” in the editor i checked materials, shader, model settings but i had no success.
    it looks like a blue glow over the model textures are on.

    do you know about that ?

    i uses maya 2011 and the patched cryengine


  2. Seith
    October 22nd, 2010 at 19:00 | #2

    @Peter: Sure, it’s because you’re using Targa images (.TGA format). Nothing to do with MayaCGF, it’s a limitation with Sandbox2 (usually the 64bit version).

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