Quick technical update
I released a new poseLib version with a couple of minor fixes. As usual you can find it here. I also updated the shotCam rig with both a new shotCam.ma file and the matching shotCamLister script which you can find here. Another addition to the Crysis tools I put up is crysisCleanupObj which fixes the problems inherent to exporting a brush as an .obj file from Sandbox2. It’s available on the MEL scripts page.
As a side note, I see my little Crysis map has been downloaded more then a thousand and six hundred times on Crymod (and I don’t dare to look how many times on this site). That’s just ridiculous.
Oh and I’m 99% done with the first pass of the 3D layout on my movie. Yay!
Categories: misc, production, update
Your island is amazing, so CONGRATULATIONS on achieving such popularity
I think the reason is because the actual geography is highly realistic, even moreso than the game in many ways. It feels like a real place.
On that note, do you have any words of wisdom on actually creating a level design that is realistic? I can work out the implementation theory myself but I’m always creatively lacking 😉