Home > "Ghost of a Tale", campaign, update > INDIEGOGO JUST EXTENDED THE CAMPAIGN BY ONE WEEK!!!!!!


This is incredible, guys! Indiegogo has just pushed back the deadline for the “Ghost of a Tale” campaign by one week in order to help it reach its goal!

This is absolutely amazing! I don’t know if you realize but something like that NEVER HAPPENS!!!

It’s worth all the Crystal Crabs in the world! :)

Categories: "Ghost of a Tale", campaign, update Tags:
  1. May 7th, 2013 at 02:04 | #1

    Amazing news, because we have already begun to worry about campaign !!!
    Waiting for more post about game.

  2. Breakingchains
    May 21st, 2013 at 04:44 | #2

    Hey, according to the indiegogo page, you’ve met your goal. I only learned about Ghost today, but I’m really looking forward to it already! It looks beautiful and atmospheric, and I’m excited to see the whole “woodland critter heroes” thing applied to games. Really hoping to see more of this!

  3. Arturo
    May 23rd, 2013 at 05:59 | #3

    Wow Seith, congratulations man. I can’t imagine how you feel with that crazy ride on indiegogo but I’m really excited for you. Also, when I clicked on Gallery on the Unity website, Ghost of a Tale was the first thing shown. Awesome :)

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