An article on Kotaku!
Yay! Kotaku just mentioned “Ghost of a Tale” (thanks Luke)! Will it help the campaign, which in its second day has virtually NO traction at all? Let’s hope so!
Categories: "Ghost of a Tale", campaign, update
Yay! Kotaku just mentioned “Ghost of a Tale” (thanks Luke)! Will it help the campaign, which in its second day has virtually NO traction at all? Let’s hope so!
It’s still early days. There’s not a lot of word of mouth going on. I contacted a dozen or so websites earlier today (Kotaku included), so maybe we’ll be seeing more coverage in the next day or so?
A one man project with such major animation history will surely get some attention when it’s picked up by some gaming websites.
Of course, you’re right. And thanks again for your efforts, by the way!
No worries! There’s an article on Eurogamer now, too!
I just backed the game on IndieGogo, good luck!
Please consider keeping your posts here more positive. You want us to believe in you being able to finish this game – if you’re casting doubts on it yourself, it might drive some people away from the project.