Home > "Ghost of a Tale", campaign, update > An article on Kotaku!

An article on Kotaku!

Yay! Kotaku just mentioned “Ghost of a Tale” (thanks Luke)! Will it help the campaign, which in its second day has virtually NO traction at all? Let’s hope so!


Categories: "Ghost of a Tale", campaign, update Tags:
  1. Gabriel
    April 3rd, 2013 at 08:39 | #1

    It’s still early days. There’s not a lot of word of mouth going on. I contacted a dozen or so websites earlier today (Kotaku included), so maybe we’ll be seeing more coverage in the next day or so?

    A one man project with such major animation history will surely get some attention when it’s picked up by some gaming websites.

  2. Anonymous
    April 3rd, 2013 at 09:34 | #2

    Of course, you’re right. And thanks again for your efforts, by the way!

  3. Gabriel
    April 3rd, 2013 at 12:06 | #3

    No worries! There’s an article on Eurogamer now, too!

  4. Florian
    April 3rd, 2013 at 14:50 | #4

    I just backed the game on IndieGogo, good luck!

    Please consider keeping your posts here more positive. You want us to believe in you being able to finish this game – if you’re casting doubts on it yourself, it might drive some people away from the project.

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