
Archive for the ‘crysis’ Category

Working with the CryEngine 3 Free SDK

September 24th, 2011 4 comments

Been working with the relatively new CryEngine 3 SDK recently. I like it (minus the occasional crash). The tough part is that I used to rely on Crysis assets/settings to quickly get the look I wanted, but now I have to create almost anything in the picture (textures, models, etc…). The ocean, for example, was completely overhauled and it takes A LOT of tweaking to get something I like…

Categories: crysis, update Tags:

How to take high-resolution screenshots in Sandbox2

April 5th, 2011 No comments

Of course you could just capture the image visible directly in the editor, but in order to take screenshots of a higher resolution than what’s displayed in the view port you’ll have to follow this method. First make sure the console is visible (press the ‘~‘ key by default), then type in the following commands:

e_screenshot_width XXXX (sets the screenshot’s width in pixels)
e_screenshot_height XXXX (sets the screenshot’s height in pixels)
e_screenshot_file_format jpg/bmp/tga (sets the screenshot’s file format)
e_screenshot 1 (takes screenshot)

The image files will be saved in this directory: /Crysis (Wars)/Game/Screenshots/HiRes.

Categories: crysis, update Tags:

Skin shader test

September 25th, 2010 2 comments

I worked a bit on an old model’s head to simplify the topology (although it’s by no means optimized yet). I also tried to find a better skin tone directly within Sandbox2. The difficult part is to get something that will hold up well enough under very different lighting conditions. During the process it became obvious that I’ll have to rework the texture maps at some point, but it’ll have to do for now…

Categories: crysis, Maya, update Tags:

New tutorial for CryEngine2: How to build a tree!

September 18th, 2010 1 comment

I’ve just uploaded a new tutorial about building a tree for the Cryengine2. It talks about the method I follow to model a tree in Maya and then export it into Crysis. All this using of course MayaCGF! 😀

Categories: crysis, Maya, update Tags:

Walk Cycle Test

May 16th, 2010 5 comments

Here is a simple walk cycle made in Maya and exported to Sandbox2. I did it mostly to test the attachment concept with MayaCGF. So the only smooth skinned elements are the bones and the chainmail cowl. The other attachments (shield, sword, etc…) are rigid. Note that the secondary animation on the quiver is automatic; you just choose an axis and a damping value.

Categories: animation, crysis, update Tags:

Rendering in real-time with the CryEngine 2

April 5th, 2010 3 comments

Today I discovered lightbox, which is a simple level for Sandbox 2 featuring a 3 point lights setup akin to one you would use to render your assets in a neutral “studio” environment. Except of course that there’s no need to render anything, because it’s all happening in real-time! Lightbox was created by George Piskas.

I just dropped in a model I’m working on, tweaked a bit the lights and added wind dynamics for the hair. With MayaCGF, I can model in Maya, click on a button to export the model, then switch seamlessly to Sandbox 2 and click “Reload” to instantly check the result. I’m loving it! 😀

Categories: crysis, update Tags:

Fun with Sandbox2

March 14th, 2010 5 comments

Over the week-end I’ve been working on some textures and I also played a bit with Sandbox2’s particles and lights. This is just a wall from the WIP dungeon I use to test stuff. As you can see, polygon density is rather low… 😛 What you can’t see on the picture though is that the torch is spewing little cinders which fly in the air before dying off, as well as smoke and subtle heat distortion. Coupled with flickering lights, the effect is surprisingly immersive!

Categories: crysis, update Tags: